Hutheesing Jain Temple – The Jain Heritage

Hutheesing Jain Temple – The Jain Heritage

Must know fact about Ahmedabad is that it’s the first city to be registered as the UNESCO world heritage city. Let’s explore and learn about a monument in this heritage city-The Hutheesing Jain Temple!

Ahmedabad was flourished with Jain temples and had a separate community for Jains in Pols.

Quick Facts

Location Ahmedabad, Gujrat  
Nearest Airport/StationAhmedabad  
Religion followedJainism  
Built in Year1848  
Timings8:00 AM to 5:00 PM  
Entrance FeesNone  

The Story

There was a rich Jain family in Ahmedabad named Hutheesing family. It is said that this family has links with the family of Nehru (sister of Jawaharlal Nehru was a part of this family and Rajiv Gandhi was born in Mumbai at Hutheesing’s house).

Seth Hutheesing wanted to build a Jain temple but unfortunately, he died at the age of 49 before this temple was built. Thus, his wife Harkunwar Bai took the responsibility of completing the temple. Another reason for the construction of this temple was that, since Gujarat was suffering with famine during that time, Hutheesing employed hundreds of laborers and artisans to provide them a stable income.

While the temple was about to be completed, Harkunwar Bai also built a Jain dharmshala to accommodate the pilgrims who came to visit the temple. The temple construction was completed in 1848 and it is estimated that around Rs. 8 lakhs were spent in the construction.

Currently, the temple is managed by Hutheesing family trust.

The Architecture

Before entering the temple, you will witness the Mahavir Stambh, standing at 78 ft high which resembles the Kirti Stambh of Chittoor, Rajasthan. The temple resembles the architecture of a Haveli. The haveli style can also be found in carved balustrades, over-arching balconies, chabutras, jaalis, etc. 

The main building is 2-storey with the presiding deity – Lord Dharamnath, the 15thTirthankar of Jains. Tirthankar is the one who appears in the world to teach the way of liberation. There are around 52 small shrines, each adorned with an image of Tirthankar.

Let’s note some interesting facts about this temple:

This sacred complex has huge twelve rings semicircular dome that stands with the support of eight pillars. The dome is 80 feet in diameter and, stands at a height of 350 m.   The temple houses 238 Stone images, 83 metal images and 21 Yantras.

The temple is intricately carved with sculptures and patterns as you can see in the photos. One more interesting fact is that the temple was built keeping rain harvesting in mind which is still functional.

Let me keep you guys in wander with the most mystic fact about this temple, i.e. a lamp, which has been lit below the sanctum for over 170 years and is still burning.

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